

发布时间:2020-06-01  浏览次数:60


Reasonable sex life is a warming agent for the relationship between husband and wife. After the IVF takes an egg, it has a certain wound on the female private part. Then, how long can the IVF take the egg before being 上海代孕网 in the same room? Is there some kind of harm to do room sharing too early?

Test-tube babies can only be in the same room after taking eggs for at least two weeks.

The process of egg retrieval causes female ovaries to cause some damage. In theory, women can be in the same room after recovery from trauma, but it is generally recommended that women wait at least 2 weeks after egg retrieval, and it is best to go through one menstrual period.In the same room, we must pay attention to contraceptive measures, which is beneficial to the recovery of women's bodies. Therefore, test-tube babies can only be in the same room after taking eggs for at least two weeks.

Affect implantation: The test-tube baby will usually be transplanted within 3-5 days after 上海代怀孕网 egg retrieval. Because the days before and after the IVF implantation are gradually unstable, premature sex will affect the gradual implantation

Abortion: If the implantation of the test tube is not stable, it will easily induce habitual abortion and threatened abortion.

Inflammation: If there is inflammation in the reproductive organs, it will cause pelvic inflammation, which will affect the success rate of IVF surgery.

Test tube baby ovulation is an alternative condition for the implementation of test tube baby surgery. Females have only one dominant follicle development in the natural cycle. If only one egg and sperm are used to promote growth, there may not be enough replacement grafts during transplantation, so it is necessaryConduct test tube baby 上海代孕中介 to reduce the regulation and promote the discharge.

The cause of ascites after test-tube baby transplantation is mainly due to the development of multiple follicles and the excessively high estrogen, which causes excessive stimulation of the ovaries. In the ovulation induction phase, some patients will be stimulated with a considerable number of follicles (usually relatively young patients, patients with better ovarian function). Because defecation 上海代孕公司 promotion provides more resources for the success of IVF surgery, it may also increase the risk of ascites.

If you have ascites after egg retrieval, if you have mild ascites, it is recommended to eat more protein and protein foods, and eat more foods that are good for urination, such as meat, high protein, and winter melon soup.

If the female friend's 上海代孕服务 ascites is serious, contact the doctor in time, and the doctor will deal with it according to the cause of the patient's ascites.
