

发布时间:2020-06-01  浏览次数:93


Uterine adhesions are now a common gynecological disease, which can seriously affect the reproduction of women, leading to infertility. If the uterine cavity adhesion is serious, doctors generally recommend to do IVF to assist pregnancy, then can the uterine cavity adhesion be the surrogate for Thai IVF? Let us first understand what is intrauterine adhesions.

What is intrauterine adhesions?

Endometrial damage or infection may lead to the formation of endometrial adhesions or the destruction of the endometrium.

What are the symptoms of intrauterine adhesions?

Women with intrauterine adhesions may not have obvious problems. However, many patients may have menstrual deficiencies, and menstrual disturbances may occur in mild 上海代孕网站 or rare forms of menstruation.

In addition, in severe cases, surrogacy may not be possible, so the symptoms of intrauterine adhesions should be promptly consulted by a doctor.

How to diagnose uterine cavity adhesions?

Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is an X-ray procedure that is commonly used to diagnose intrauterine adhesions.

During HSG, the solution is injected into the uterus to illustrate the internal shape of the uterus and determine whether the fallopian tubes are open.

Hysteroscopy can also be used to diagnose adhesions in the uterine cavity, insert the cervical ike and directly observe the process of the uterine cavity. Although HSG is a useful screening test, hysteroscopy is the most accurate method for evaluating intrauterine adhesions.

How to treat intrauterine adhesions? 上海代孕公司

It is generally recommended to use hysteroscopy to guide surgery to remove uterine adhesions. After removing adhesions, many surgeons recommend devices that temporarily place such plastic catheters in the uterus to prevent keeping the uterine wall apart and prevent adhesions from reforming.

Hormonal treatment with estrogen and progesterone and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is usually prescribed after surgery to reduce the chance of adhesion modification.

After treatment, patients with mild to moderate adhesions have a full-term pregnancy rate of approximately 70% to 80%, and menstrual dysfunction is often relieved.

Patients with severe endometrial destruction may only have a pregnancy rate of 20% to 40% after treatment. Women who have damage to the endometrium through hysteroscopy but who do 上海代孕产子 not respond to conventional treatment can provide pregnancy.

Can uterine adhesions be used for Thai IVF?

Whether or not uterine adhesion can be a Thai IVF is related to the degree of adhesion, but IVF is the injection of a female egg and a male sperm into a fertilized egg into the female uterus.

If you have uterine cavity adhesions, it is completely unfavorable for the implantation and growth of fertilized eggs. Therefore, you must cure the uterine cavity adhesions before you become a test tube baby in Thailand.
