

发布时间:2020-06-02  浏览次数:117


With the increase in infertility population in recent years, more and more domestic families have begun to seek assisted reproductive means to realize their dreams of growth. Due to the relatively limited number of test tube babies in China, Thai test tube babies have a high success rate, Technology maturity and many other reasons? ?It has become the inherent first choice for the health of domestic families.

What are the technical advantages of Thai IVF babies? What? Which group of people has the highest success rate for Thai IVF?

Thai IVF technical advantages

High success rate

The success rate of test-tube babies 上海代孕机构 is inextricably linked to laboratory conditions, the level of technicians, and so on.

Thailand 's IVF technology is recognized globally. Thailand 's IVF technology is at the forefront of the world. The test tube uses the most advanced operation technology PGS in the third generation IVF technology, which can achieve 23 pairs of chromosomes full gene detection and a comprehensive understanding of progressive quality., Accurately and quickly detect the expected situation.

Comparison of success rate between China and Thailand:

China: 30% to 35%

Thailand: 65% to 70%

?Promoting drugs

China: The cost of domestic hormone drugs is low, and the promotion time is extended, which is extremely harmful to the expected.

Thailand: The cost of imported drugs is 40 times 上海代孕产子 that of the domestic market.

Custom men and women

With the opening of the second child policy, many couples want to have a child of a different gender and fulfill their aspirations for their children. This is completely achievable in Thailand.

Test tube doctor one-on-one

For test-tube babies in China, queuing for more than half a year just by making an appointment will lead to an increase in the age of women, which greatly reduces the success rate and delays the best time for medical treatment.

For test-tube babies in Thailand, there is no need to queue in advance. From diagnosis to medication, even the final egg retrieval and implantation will be handled by a dedicated doctor.

Number of eggs

China: more benefits

Thailand: 上海代孕中心 only take grown follicles

Singles can also be Thai IVF babies

Test-tube baby hospitals in the Mainland need to provide a lot of personal infertility certificates And others also do not accept unmarried people, so there are too many same-sex lovers, and single people can only send their hopes abroad in order to want their children. At present, Thailand and the United States can do it. Thailand is close, the cost is low, and the success rate is not worse than the United States, so it has become the choice of most people.

Women with poor uterine environment or egg quality

For some women, due to advanced age or other reasons, the quality of the eggs and the uterine environment are poor, and they are not suitable for their own surrogacy, or need to donate eggs for test-tube babies.

Open and transparent prices

Although treatment is about efficacy, the cost of treatment is also an important issue that many people care about. Test-tube babies in Thailand have matured, and the fees for each project are very open and transparent. Depending on each person's situation, each person will have different IVF treatment items.

Loose national policy

Among the elderly, test-tube babies must provide ID cards, marriage certificates, and birth certificates for both spouses. One or both spouses must be infertile patients before the hospital will accept them.

Technical advantages

China: The use of the first and second generation technology only solves the problem of infertility, and cannot give birth to babies.

Thailand: The third generation technology, eugenics and eugenics, exclude genetic diseases.

About test tube baby technology application

Domestic: Gender selection is allowed in domestic policies. Domestic IVF doctors do not have extensive experience, and the technology of the third generation IVF needs to be improved.

Thailand: Thai policy supports gender selection, so with the permission of PGD, doctors and attending doctors who have gradually learned already have very rich practical experience.

Preliminary results

China: Most hospitals cannot be reflected in the form of reports

Thailand: report of expected results 48 hours after biopsy

Pre-transplant genetic diagnosis PGD

China: Diagnosing a few diseases

Thailand: Diagnosis of 125 diseases

Number of transplants

China: more and more good, if more than two survive will use technical abortion, causing great harm to the mother

Thailand: Only one or two replacements for blastocyst transplantation, high survival rate


China: Registered, long appointment time, cumbersome processing; pipeline operation system, multiple doctors appear in the course of treatment.

Thailand: Priority appointment appointment, personalized service management system, one-on-one face-to-face consultation service for the whole course of treatment.


China: marriage certificate, birth certificate, ID card, infertility certificate

Thailand: marriage certificate, passport and visa

Test tube cycle

China: At least three months

Thailand: generally around 28 days

Pioneer freeze-thaw recovery rate

China: 50%

Thailand: 85%

Summary: Finally understand it! So many people choose to come to Thailand as IVF is not just a follow-up phenomenon, but because Thailand's advantage in this industry is in front of us. The age of a woman is very critical. If you get pregnant early, the harm to the woman will be smaller, and the quality of the baby will appear a little.

Some people are suitable for Thai IVF

The fallopian tube function of female fallopian tube adhesion and obstruction is not good, the male sperm is weak and few, etc., ineffective in other infertility treatment methods can choose test tube baby. Let's take a closer look:

1. Women have serious fallopian tube diseases: 上海代孕产子hydrops of the fallopian tubes caused by pelvic inflammatory disease, obstruction, incompletely developed fallopian tubes, ligation, blocked fallopian tubes, and bilateral removal of the fallopian tubes after ectopic pregnancy.

2. Endometriosis, ovulation disorders, etc., women who are still infertile after treatment

3. Male bilateral azoospermia, sperm deformity, weak sperm, less sperm, etc.

4. Couples who cannot find the cause of infertility after the current inspection methods

5. Couples whose other infertility treatments are ineffective

6. Couples who have failed artificial insemination many times

7. Couples diagnosed with genetic disease by their parents

Thai IVF technology has obvious advantages, but not all people are suitable for Thai IVF, so families who 上海代孕医院 intend to go to Thailand for IVF should not blindly believe the rumor that Thai IVF is successful regardless of crowd.
