

发布时间:2020-06-08  浏览次数:67


Many women will be exposed to many diseases once they enter a marriage. What breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc. In fact, the cause of these diseases is related to one thing, that is, your emotions.

01 Stop being sulky, it will really kill people

After marriage, many people often quarrel with the other half, because the disputes between children, families, money, and work are not rare. Indeed, how can there be a marriage 上海代孕公司 without quarrel?

But few people know that marriages where people are angry are often the most hurtful. Because the quality of emotions will directly affect the health of the body.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, more than 90% of diseases are related to emotions.

Many people choose to support themselves when they encounter problems.

If you encounter difficulties in your work, you won't talk about it, and you won't talk about it when you're married. But I don't know that this way of repaying the good news or the bad news is torturing myself.

Many people may feel the same when they are angry, the whole body will tremble, the blood pressure will soar, and it will take a long time to calm down their emotions 上海代孕 afterwards.

In fact, this is the body warning us.

Therefore, when you encounter a problem, you must find a way to solve it, not get angry. Especially in marriage, two people get along day and night. The output can not solve any problems by relying on roaring.

Occasionally, ovarian cysts, one step back of breast hyperplasia. Don't be bored again, it will really die.

02 Cancer personality, often in women

Many people know that reading changes fate, character determines life, but few people know that temperament determines health.

There have been clinical psychiatric experts who divided human personality into three types of ABC, and clinical experts even called type C personality as "cancer personality".

For example, if someone 上海代孕产子 deliberately steps on you, Type A personality will be stepped back straight; Type B personality is open-minded and does not care; Type C personality will say nothing, but it is full of fire.

The C-type personality often gives the impression of being unscrupulous and in harmony with people in daily life, but the heart is often a pessimist, and their hearts are often full of contradictions and pain.

In life, many people can't do the temperament of type A personality and open mindedness of type B personality. They can only sulky in the back and use other people's mistakes to punish themselves.

This phenomenon occurs mostly in female bodies, because females are naturally sensitive and thoughtful, and they often like to hide in their hearts when they encounter 上海代孕产子 things.

For a long time, all diseases will come up, which is what people call emotional illness.

Emotional disease is a disease caused by emotions. When you are sulking, you will be angry and hurt the liver, causing qi and blood stasis, resulting in partial dysfunction. The disease will slowly be exposed after a long time.

03 people to middle age, except for life and death, are trivial things

The grievances and difficulties you are facing now, after the precipitation of the years, look back, you will find it very unworthy, even ridiculous, and feel young when you are young.

Indeed, people in middle age, except life and death, are trivial things.

Especially in the face of marriage, the quarrel between the two is not a lifetime. After a short quarrel, it is finally to be reconciled and continue to live a life. Because the bad marriage is angry and sick.Why do you suffer in the second half of your life?

You always think that what happened to others cannot happen to you. To be honest, you are just a disease away from death.

This is why I always remind women to go to the hospital for a comprehensive set of examinations when dealing with divorce cases. Because women are middle-aged, they have more and more problems every day.Yourself.

In the case of running both ends of the family and career, it often hurts the body.

I have seen a full-time wife whose husband cheated and dared not get divorced.

I have also seen a housewife who tutors children to learn and yells and is so angry that he wants to take antihypertensive pills;

I have also seen a white-collared female white-collar worker who takes care of two children while working.

I have suffered all the pressures of marriage, my work has been aggrieved, and my heart is never 上海代孕机构 repeated.

But in the end, it is you who is wronged, you are angry, and you are still sick.

But don't forget, you need to treat yourself better to stay with the person who loves you for a long time, and loving yourself is the best way to live.

Beijing marriage and family lawyers believe in Jin Guo, focusing on marriage and family matters for nearly 20 years.
