

发布时间:2020-06-09  浏览次数:147


Result: The fallopian tube is one of the essential factors for female surrogacy. When women are examined during long-term infertility, the doctor recommends a fallopian tube examination, but the choice of multiple examination methods becomes the most entangled patient!

What is the difference between tubal angiography and tubal drainage:

Fallopian tube drainage: Fallopian tube drainage is an inspection method in the 1980s. Doctors determine whether 上海代孕医院the fallopian tube is unobstructed by the backflow of fluid into the body. Not only is the rate of misdiagnosis high, but also there is a certain negative effect, which is easy to cause hydrops.

Fallopian tube contrast agent: Fallopian tube contrast agent is the X-ray uterine fallopian tube contrast agent which is injected into the uterine cavity and fallopian tube with a contrast agent. X-ray fluoroscopy and radiography are performed using an X-ray diagnostic instrument.Visualize the situation to see if the fallopian tubes are unobstructed, a method of checking some local and uterine cavity shapes.

Tubal angiography varies with contrast agent

Fallopian tube lipiodol contrast agent: It takes about 3 months or even half a year to test pregnancy.

上海代孕机构 Advantages: high viscosity, high density, clear image; slow flow, sufficient filming time.

Fallopian tube iodine water imaging: pregnancy test can be done the following month.

Advantages: low osmotic pressure, low viscosity, fast development; filming is completed within 3-5 minutes; little irritation, no allergic reaction, it is absorbed within 30 minutes of injection, and pregnancy can be tested the following month.

What to check before angiography

1. The angiography chooses 3-7 days after menstruation is clean, because the endometrial environment of women is the most suitable for examination at this time, and the examination results will be more accurate. They cannot be in the same room after menstruation is clean and before the 上海代孕产子 radiography.

2. It is necessary to find out whether there is inflammation in the reproductive tract. The acute phase of various diseases will not be checked. If there are serious systemic diseases, those who cannot tolerate the surgery can not do this test.
